US makes ÔÇ£historic investmentÔÇØ in high-speed rail

US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has announced $2 billion of investment in high-speed rail projects across America.

Twenty-four states, the District of Columbia and Amtrak submitted nearly 100 applications competing for what the Department of Transportation has called an “historic investment”.

The Federal Railroad Administration selected 15 states and Amtrak to receive $2.02 billion for 22 high-speed intercity passenger rail projects as part of a network that will connect 80 percent of citizens to high-speed rail in 25 years.

Among the awards made was $795 million to the Northeast Corridor to upgrade some of its most heavily-used sections; $404.1 million to the Midwest to expand high-speed rail services; and $300 million to California to continue developing the nation’s first 220-mph high-speed rail system.

“President Obama and Vice President Biden’s vision for a national rail system will help ensure America is equipped to win the future with the fastest, safest and most efficient transportation network in the world,” LaHood commented. “The investments we’re making today will help states across the country create jobs, spur economic development and boost manufacturing in their communities.”

Almost 100 percent of the $2.02 billion announced will go directly towards the construction of rail projects, which aim to bring expanded and improved high-speed intercity passenger rail services to cities nationwide.

Thirty-two states across the US and the District of Columbia are currently working on developing high-speed rail corridors to provide faster and more energy-efficient travel options.

The Department of Transportation said the investment would “create tens of thousands of jobs, improve mobility and stimulate American manufacturing”.